
Love Water H7 Water Boiler with optional touchless tap

Rental option also available.

This boiler comes in a 5 or 10-litre version.

Counter-top hot water boiler model 3C5-C

Perfect for any office or staff canteen.
Don’t be fooled by its diminutive good looks; this little beauty still provides up to 155 cups of hot water an hour.
Only 17” / 440mm high, this neat little unit fits nicely under standard height kitchen cupboards and makes the most of valuable counter space.

The 3C5-C  has fantastic features:

  • Energy-saving function – Reduces the volume of boiling water by 50%
  • Easy-service features
  • Inbuilt scale-inhibitor – Keeps scale in suspension to allow a chemical-free descale
  • SteriTouch antibacterial protection on tap handle and spill-tray (optional)
  • UK made and proud of it!

SteriTouch ‘Touchless’ Adapter