


Boiling, chilled, and sparkling water. Three taps. One base unit. And don’t forget the colour. What colour? Any colour!

Three taps. One base unit.

Aqua Alto’s namesake is Mount Alto San Juan, a 6km-high Andean mountain in Argentina and Chile. This innovative yet simple tap comes in any colour you like, to match, complement, or contrast with, your brand colours or décor.

Take three Aqua Alto taps – one each for boiling, chilled, and sparkling water – and take just one base unit.

Great look. No queues.






Aqua Alto provides high volumes of boiling, chilled, sparkling, or ambient water to keep your workforce hydrated.

Numbers are based on the following measurements: 1 cup/glass = 250ml & 1 flask/tea pot = 500ml










Sing a rainbow!

And don’t forget the colour. What colour? Any colour!

Your colour. Your way.